By the Numbers: Tire Replacement at Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Columbus in Columbus
November 28, 2021
Ever notice that your tire is covered with writing? It's like some hieroglyphic art form. Of course, Columbus drivers know that it's not just graffiti, but to most of us, it might as well be. Would you like to know what all those codes on your tire mean? It won't lead you to buried treasure, but ... More
The Right Oil for the Season (Engine Oil Viscosity)
November 21, 2021
As the temperatures plunge, certain types of engine oil may not flow as easily as they did when it was warmer. Makes sense, doesn't it? Just like molasses gets thicker as the temperature goes down, engine oil does the same thing. So, maybe you're wondering if you have to change your oil as the s... More
Shake It up in Columbus!: Why Wheel Balancing
November 14, 2021
Our vehicles are not massage chairs. While we may enjoy a good vibration in an overstuffed recliner, we generally want as smooth a ride as possible in our vehicles. One way to achieve this is to keep a vehicle's wheels in balance. When a tire is mounted onto a wheel, it is usually out of balance... More
The Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Columbus Guide to Tire Specs
November 7, 2021
You know you need new tires, but you're not sure what type. You look at a tire to get the size: 225, 50, R, 16, 92, H. All the way to the Columbus service center you keep repeating it over and over. You even say it over in your mind while waiting in line. Then you get to the counter and the mana... More